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The Daily Dick: Musings on the Relevance of Moby-Dick Today

From The Chart

"God help thee, old man, thy thoughts have created a creature in thee; and he whose intense thinking thus makes him a Prometheus; a vulture feeds upon that heart for ever; that vulture the very creature he creates."


I can't tell you how often this line has come back to me lately. The old man in the line above is Ahab, but for me, it is about pres. _rump. _rump's thoughts have to be the vilest, cruelest, basest thoughts imaginable. I picture this many-clawed creature living inside _rump's chest, scratching at him until he reacts in the worst possible way. But Melville speaks the truth - we create what lives inside our hearts and minds and soul. There is no way goodness exists inside a man who cages humans both mentally and physically. If god could possibly take a few minutes to help fix _rump, I'd know I'd be eternally grateful.

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